When querying WHOIS via command line, even though US.KG adheres to the RFC 2782 WHOIS server lookup standard, many clients may not support or accept it. This is because, in most cases, you cannot directly query WHOIS by using 'whois example.us.kg'. We are currently working on or preparing to submit support for WHOIS server lookup to mainstream WHOIS clients (such as RFC 1036 WHOIS clients). Until WHOIS clients directly support it, please search for WHOIS information for US.KG domains by specifying the WHOIS server (for example, in RFC 1036 WHOIS clients, you can search by adding the '-h' parameter to specification the 'whois.us.kg' server, like this: 'whois -h whois.us.kg example.us.kg').
whois -h whois.us.kg "domainname"